Jorge Cortés


Cymer Corporation Endowed Chair

December 2023
I have received the IEEE CSS Distinguished Member Award for significant technical contributions to cooperative control and outstanding long-term service to the IEEE Control Systems Society. I feel both honored and humbled!

December 2023
Our paper on "Time-varying optimization of LTI systems via projected primal-dual gradient flows" is the winner of the 2023 IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems Outstanding Paper Award! This award is given to a paper published in the past two years in the IEEE TCNS and the basis for judgment is originality, potential impact on the foundations of network systems, importance and practical significance in applications, and clarity.

October 2023
Priyank Srivastava starts as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. Check out his webpage!

April 2023
Masih Haseli is the recipient of the "Robert E. Skelton Systems and Control Dissertation Award'' for the academic year 2022-2023! Check out his thesis on Data-Driven System Analysis Using the Koopman Operator: Eigenfunctions, Invariant Subspaces, and Accuracy Bounds.

December 2022
After 4 fun-filled and work-intensive years, I am finishing up my term as Director of Operations of the IEEE Control Systems Society. I will certainly miss the jolly ExCom meetings!

November 2022
Guest Editor for special issue on event-triggered and self-triggered control on Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems

August 2022
Elevated to IFAC Fellow. Check out IFAC's website for the list of Fellows elected for the period 2020-2023. I'm in the company of giants!

August 2022
Masih Haseli has successfully defended his PhD! The title of his thesis is Data-Driven System Analysis Using the Koopman Operator: Eigenfunctions, Invariant Subspaces, and Accuracy Bounds. He will be continuing as a postdoc in my research group for one more year to finish up several exciting ongoing projects

March 2022
Plenary talk at VII Iberoamerican Meeting on Geometry, Mechanics and Control

December 2021
Our paper on "Tutorial on dynamic average consensus: the problem, its applications, and the algorithms" is the winner of the 2021 IEEE Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award! This award is given to a paper published in the society magazine, IEEE Control Systems, during the past two years and the basis for judgment is impact on and benefit to society members.

September 2021
Pio Ong and Priyank Srivastava successfully defended their PhD! The title of Pio's thesis is Uniting and Balancing Control Objectives: Safety, Stability, Smoothness, and Resource Conservation. The title of Priyank's thesis is Constrained Network Optimization: Algorithms, and Applications in Frequency Regulation They are on to new, exciting challenges, both as postdocs, Pio at Caltech and Priyank at MIT.

June 2021
Keynote at 7th International Conference on Event-based Control, Communication, and Signal Processing

May 2021
Prof. Cameron Nowzari has won the 2021 Young Investigator Award from ONR with his project on "The Cycle of Emergence: Structure, Agency, and the Environment"!

May 2021
Masih Haseli is the winner for the ACC21 Best Student Paper Award with "Data-driven approximation of Koopman-invariant subspaces with tunable accuracy"!

November 2020
Plenary talk at International Automatic Control Conference (CACS 2020), Hsinchu, Taiwan

October 2020
Co-PI in $39M infrastructure grant from NSF to build national, remotely-accessible, large-scale testing site at UCSD for validation and transitioning of future technologies for autonomous energy grids
Press releases from NSF, UCSD, Jacobs School of Engineering

June 2020
Erfan Nozari is the recipient of the "Robert E. Skelton Systems and Control Dissertation Award'' for the academic year 2018-2019!

March 2020
Elevated to SIAM Fellow. Check out SIAM Announces Class of 2020 Fellows

March 2020
Aaron Ma has successfully defended his PhD! The title of Aaron's thesis is Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Cooperative Multi-Agent Planning: Exploiting Hierarchies, Bias, and Temporal Sampling. He will be soon on to new, exciting challenges at Shield AI.

December 2019
Our paper on "Differentially private distributed convex optimization via functional perturbation" is the winner of the 2019 IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems Outstanding Paper Award! This award is given to a paper published in the past two years in the IEEE TCNS and the basis for judgment is originality, potential impact on the foundations of network systems, importance and practical significance in applications, and clarity.

October 2019
Plenary talk at Congreso Nacional de Control Automático (CNCA 2019), Puebla, México

September 2019
Our paper on using opportunistic state-triggered control to synthesize convergence-rate-matching discretizations of accelerated optimization flows accepted at NIPS 2019!

July 2019
Yifu Zhang anf Erfan Nozari have successfully defended their PhD! The title of Yifu's thesis is Transient Frequency Analysis and Distributed Synthesis for Power Networks. The title of Erfan's thesis is Networked Dynamical Systems: Privacy, Control, and Cognition They will be soon on to new, exciting challenges, Yifu at MathWorks and Erfan as a postdoc at UPenn.

April 2019
Bahman Gharesifard is the recipient of the 2019 CAIMS-PIMS Early Career Award, given by the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society each year to one person to recognize exceptional research in any branch of applied mathematics

February 2019
Ashish Cherukuri to start as an Assistant Professor at the ENgineering and TEchnology institute Groningen in the University of Groningen, The Netherlands

January 2019
Start of tenure as Director of Operations of the IEEE Control Systems Society

December 2018
Erfan Nozari is the winner of the CDC18 Best Student Paper Award with "Selective recruitment in hierarchical complex dynamical networks with linear-threshold rate dynamics"! He has won the best student paper awards at the two main control conferences and in the same year

August 2018
Plenary talk at 7th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems (NecSys18), Groningen, The Netherlands

June 2018
Erfan Nozari is the winner of the ACC18 Best Student Paper Award with "Stability analysis of complex networks with linear-threshold rate dynamics"!

January 2018
Erfan Nozari is a finalist for the ACC18 Best Student Paper Award with "Stability analysis of complex networks with linear-threshold rate dynamics"!

June 2017
Ashish Cherukuri is the recipient of the "Robert E. Skelton Systems and Control Dissertation Award'' for the academic year 2016-2017

June 2017
Ashish Cherukuri has successfully defended his PhD! The title of his thesis is Coordination and Competition in Optimal Dispatch: Distributed Algorithms, Saddle-Point Dynamics, and Iterative Bidding. He will be soon on to new, exciting challenges as a postdoc at ETH

June 2017
Google Scholar has released "Classic Papers: Articles That Have Stood The Test of Time", a collection of highly-cited papers in their area of research that have stood the test of time. Our paper on robust rendezvous has made it to the top three in Automation & Control Theory!

June 2017
Elected to the Board of Governors of the IEEE Control Systems Society for the three-year term January 2018-December 2020

February 2017
Pavan Tallapragada starts as Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Indian Institute of Science

October 2016
Keynote talk at Contextual Robotics Forum: Shared Autonomy: New Directions in Human-Machine Interaction, University of California, San Diego, CA

August 2016

Semi-plenary lecture at NOLCOS16 on "Asymptotic Stability of Saddle-Point Dynamics and Its Role in Network Coordination"

March 2016
MURO lab's robots are in the cover of the IEEE Control Systems magazine April issue and the Jacobs School of Engineering Spring newsletter

	       cover CSM

February 2016

Join us at the upcoming Southern California Robotics Symposium at UC San Diego. More info here

February 2016
Co-PI in a UCSD-UIUC team awarded ARPA-e NODES project to work on distributed control and coordination of energy resources for optimized provision of synthetic regulating reserves. Press release

October 2015
Our MURO lab webpage is live here We are feverishly preparing for our upcoming demo at the UCSD Contextual Robotics Forum

September 2015
Undergraduate student researchers working in our Multi-Agent Robotics (MURO) Laboratory are featured in the news of the UCSD School of Engineering in "Undergraduates find a future in robotics lab over summer"

August 2015
David Mateos has successfully defended his PhD! The title of his thesis is Distributed Algorithms for Convex Optimization: Noisy Channels, Online Computation, Nuclear Norm Regularization, and Separable Constraints. He will soon start working as a postdoc at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies

August 2015
Dean Richert is the inaugural recipient of the "Robert E. Skelton Systems and Control Dissertation Award'' for the academic year 2013-2014

July 2015
Mike Ouimet has started in his new position as Engineer at the Unmanned Maritime Vehicles Laboratory, SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific, San Diego!

January 2015
Ashish Cherukuri is a finalist for the ACC15 Best Student Paper Award with "Asymptotic stability of saddle points under the saddle-point dynamics"!

December 2014
Appointed Associate Editor for IEEE Access

July 2014
Interview at the IEEE Control Systems magazine

June 2014
Dean Richert has successfully defended his PhD! The title of his thesis is Robust Distributed Control of Networked Systems with Linear Programming Objectives. He will soon start working for Cymer Corporation

ACC 2015
Deadline for submitting special session and micro session proposals is October 17, 2014. Details here

March 2014
Appointed Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering

January 2014
Elevated to IEEE Fellow

July 12, 2014
RSS Workshop: Distributed Control and Estimation for Robotic Vehicle Networks, part of 2014 Robotics: Science and Systems, University of California, Berkeley, July 12-16, 2014

October 2013
Mike Ouimet has successfully defended his PhD! The title of his thesis is Distributed Cooperation for Robust Estimation

September 2013
Cameron Nowzari has successfully defended his PhD! The title of his thesis is Distributed Triggered Control of Networked Cyber-Physical Systems. He is now on to new challenges as a postdoc at the University of Pennsylvania

July 2013
Bahman Gharesifard starts as Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada!

April 2013
New NSF-CMMI project on robust distributed online convex optimization

December 2012
Section Editor on 'Control of Networked Systems' for Encyclopedia of Systems and Control, J. Baillieul and T. Samad eds., Springer, New York

September 14-15, 2012
Program Co-Chair for 3rd IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems, Santa Barbara, California

June 2012
2012 O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award in the Theory category with the paper Self-triggered coordination of robotic networks for optimal deployment coauthored with Ph.D student Cameron Nowzari, ACC 2012, Montréal, Canada

January 2012
Associate Editor for IEEE Control Systems magazine

Distributed Control of Robotic Networks

F. Bullo, J. Cortés, and S. Martínez

electronically available

August 2011
Associate Editor for Journal of Geometric Mechanics

January 2011
"Self-triggered coordination of robotic networks for optimal deployment" is a finalist for the 2011 ACC Best Student Paper Award

January 2011
Associate Editor for SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization

September 2010
Appointed to the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) Conference Editorial Board (CEB)

June 2010
Short interview on Ocean Robot Swarms for NAE Engineering Innovation radio series

March 2010
Appointed IEEE Control Systems Society Distinguished Lecturer for 2010-2012

February 2010
CONNECT Frontiers in Science & Technology Lecture. PDF of the presentation available here

November 2009
Swarms of ocean robots will drift in formation, monitor oil spills, thanks to advanced controls systems, press release

July 2009
At last, appointed Associate Professor!

June 2009
Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

March 2009
Nonsmooth coordination and geometric optimization via distributed dynamical systems is SIAM Review SIGEST selection from SIAM J. Control and Optimization!

February 2009
Associate Editor for Systems and Control Letters

February 2009
Outstanding Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

December 2008
Motion coordination with distributed information wins 2008 IEEE Control Systems Outstanding Paper Award!

December 2008
Chair, IEEE CSS Technical Committee on Manufacturing Automation and Robotic Control

January 2009
Ph.D. opportunities available. Apply at MAE Graduate Admissions

June 2008
Program Commitee, 2008 Robotics: Science and Systems, Zurich, Switzerland

October 2007
Program Commitee, Robocomm: First International Conference on Networked Robots, Athens, Greece

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Dr, La Jolla, California, 92093-0411

Ph: 1-858-822-7930
Fax: 1-858-822-3107

cortes at
Skype id: jorgilliyo