Synchronization in Natural and Engineering Systems: Open Problems in Modeling, Analysis, and Control


ARO-sponsored workshop

Organizers: Fabio Pasqualetti ( and Jorge Cortés (

March 30, 2022

Schedule: 7:00am-12:15pm PDT = 10:00am-3:15pm EDT = 4:00pm-9:15pm Central European Time

Virtual format

Goals and Motivation

Synchronization refers broadly to patterns of coordinated behaviors that arise spontaneously or by design in natural and man-made complex network systems. Synchronization takes many different forms and enables complex functions. For instance, distinctive network-wide patterns of synchrony determine the coordinated motion of orbiting particle systems, promote successful mating in populations of fireflies, regulate the active power flow in electrical grids, predict global climate change phenomena, dictate the structural development of mother-of-pearl in mollusks, and enable numerous cognitive functions in the brain. While some systems rely on full synchronization of all units and over time to function properly, such as power grids, other systems exhibits a much richer repertoire of synchronized behaviors, ranging from cluster synchronization, chimera states, explosive synchronization patterns, and even transient, cross-frequency, and phase-amplitude synchronization. These coordinated behaviors can emerge spontaneously from the properties of the interconnection structure among the units, be the result of the dynamics of the isolated units, rely on the interplay of structure and dynamics, or be driven by exogenous control inputs.

Despite being one of the most studied phenomena in science and engineering, the general principles underlying synchronization in complex network systems and, importantly, effective methods to control and regulate different forms of synchronized behaviors have remained elusive. Significant progress on analytical techniques has been able to rigorously explain synchronization phenomena for networks of mostly homogeneous agents with static interconnection topologies and relatively simple dynamics. Particularly for heteregenous networks with evolving interconnection topologies and possibly multiple layers, more research is needed to address outstanding questions regarding optimized system architectures, trade-offs between information flow and performance, and control of the interconnections versus the nodes. The main objective of this workshop is to bring together experts in the broad area of synchronization to understand the state of art, identify the primary roadblocks preventing scientific discovery, and delineate man-made applications where theoretical advances can be most impactful. The workshop will feature a series of virtual presentations and discussion panels, and will be targeted primarily to researchers and graduate students.