Jorge Cortés
Cymer Corporation Endowed Chair
MAE 286: Hybrid Systems
General Class Information
Lecture times:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30-10:50am, Engineering Building II, room 305
Jorge Cortes
(cortes at
Office Hours:
Tuesdays, 3:00-4:00pm @ EBUI 1603
Canvas will be our online platform for class announcements, access information, turning in homework, checking your grades, etc.
Course Syllabus: [pdf]
Old notes for [hybrid automaton] and [executions]
Notes from previous year
- Lecture 1
- Lecture 2
- Lecture 3
- Lecture 4
- Lecture 5
- Lecture 6
- Lecture 7
- Lecture 8
- Lecture 9
- Lecture 10
- No notes for Lecture 11 -- midterm
- Lecture 12
- Lecture 13
- Lecture 14
- Lecture 15
- Lecture 16
- Lecture 17
- Lecture 18
- Lecture 19
Project instructions: [pdf]
Homework Assignments
We will use Piazza for Q&A related to homework problems
All homework submission and grading is electronic
- Homework #1, due on 10/11/24
- Homework #2, due on 10/18/24
- Homework #3, due on 10/25/24
- Homework #4, due on 11/8/24
- Homework #5, due on 11/15/24
- Homework #6, due on 11/22/24
- Homework #7, due on 12/7/24
HyEQ Toolbox for Matlab
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Dr,
La Jolla, California, 92093-0411
Ph: 1-858-822-7930
Fax: 1-858-822-3107
cortes at
Skype id: