
Journal Articles

  1. Invariance proximity: closed-form error bounds for finite-dimensional Koopman-based models
    M. Haseli, J. Cortés
    IEEE Control Systems Letters, submitted
    [Abstract] [arXiv]

  2. Modeling nonlinear control systems via Koopman control family: universal forms and subspace invariance proximity
    M. Haseli, J. Cortés
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, submitted
    [Abstract] [arXiv]

  3. Generalizing dynamic mode decomposition: balancing accuracy and expressiveness in Koopman approximations
    M. Haseli, J. Cortés
    Automatica 153 (2023), 111001
    [Abstract] [arXiv] [ScienceDirect]

  4. Temporal forward-backward consistency, not residual error, measures the prediction accuracy of extended dynamic mode decomposition
    M. Haseli, J. Cortés
    IEEE Control Systems Letters 7 (2023), 649-654
    [Abstract] [arXiv] [IEEEXplore]

  5. Parallel learning of Koopman eigenfunctions and invariant subspaces for accurate long-term prediction
    M. Haseli, J. Cortés
    IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 8 (4) (2021), 1833-1845
    [Abstract] [arXiv] [IEEEXplore]

  6. Learning Koopman eigenfunctions and invariant subspaces from data: symmetric subspace decomposition
    M. Haseli, J. Cortés
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 67 (7) (2022), 3442-3457
    [Abstract] [arXiv] [IEEEXplore]

Conference Proceedings

  1. Temporal forward-backward consistency, not residual error, measures the prediction accuracy of extended dynamic mode decomposition
    M. Haseli, J. Cortés
    Proceedings of the American Control Conference, San Diego, 2023
    [Abstract and PDF] [IEEEXplore]

  2. Data-driven approximation of Koopman-invariant subspaces with tunable accuracy
    M. Haseli, J. Cortés
    Proceedings of the American Control Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2021, pp. 469-474
    *2021 ACC Best Student Paper Award*
    [Abstract and PDF] [IEEEXplore]

  3. Fast identification of Koopman-invariant subspaces: parallel symmetric subspace decomposition
    M. Haseli, J. Cortés
    Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Denver, Colorado, 2020, pp. 4545-4550
    [Abstract and PDF] [IEEEXplore]

  4. Efficient identification of linear evolutions in nonlinear vector fields: Koopman invariant subspaces
    M. Haseli, J. Cortés
    Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Nice, France, 2019, pp. 1746-1751
    [Abstract and PDF] [IEEEXplore]

  5. Approximating the Koopman operator using noisy data: noise-resilient extended dynamic mode decomposition
    M. Haseli, J. Cortés
    Proceedings of the American Control Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2019, pp. 5499-5504
    [Abstract and PDF] [IEEEXplore]