Jorge Cortés
Cymer Corporation Endowed Chair
Distributed algorithms for robotic networks
F. Bullo, J. Cortés, and S. Martínez
Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science,
R. A. Meyers, editor-in-chief,
Springer-Verlag, 2009, entry 00168
The study of distributed algorithms for robotic networks is motivated
by the recent emergence of low-power, highly-autonomous devices
equipped with sensing, communication, processing, and control
capabilities. In the near future, cooperative robotic sensor networks
will perform critical tasks in disaster recovery, homeland security,
and environmental monitoring. Such networks will require efficient and
robust distributed algorithms with guaranteed quality-of-service. In
order to design coordination algorithms with these desirable
capabilities, it is necessary to develop new frameworks to design and
formalize the operation of robotic networks and novel tools to analyze
their behavior.
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Dr,
La Jolla, California, 92093-0411
Ph: 1-858-822-7930
Fax: 1-858-822-3107
cortes at
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