Jorge Cortés
Cymer Corporation Endowed Chair
Distributed sliding mode control for nonlinear
heterogeneous platoon systems with positive definite
Y. Wu, S. E. Li, J. Cortés, K. Poolla
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 28 (4) (2020), 1272-1283
This paper is concerned with the distributed control of
vehicle platoons. The dynamics of each vehicle are
nonlinear and heterogeneous. The control objective is to
regulate vehicles to travel at a common speed while
maintaining desired intervehicle gaps. The information
flow topology dictates the pattern of communication
between vehicles in the platoon. This information is
essential to effective platoon control, and therefore
plays a central role in affecting the design and
performance of platoon control strategies. Our key
contribution is a unified distributed control framework
that explicitly incorporates and supports a diversity of
information flow topologies. Specifically, we propose a
distributed sliding mode control (DSMC) framework for a
class of generic topologies. The DSMC constructs the
topological sliding surface and reaching law via a
so-called "topologically structured function". The
control law obtained by matching the topological sliding
surface and topological reaching law is naturally
distributed. The Lyapunov stability analysis is carried
out for the closed-loop system in the sense of Filippov
to cope with the discontinuity originated from switching
terms. Moreover, a trade-off between tracking precision
and chattering elimination is discussed with a
continuous approximation of the switching control
law. The effectiveness of the DSMC for platoons is
verified under four different topologies through
numerical simulation.
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Dr,
La Jolla, California, 92093-0411
Ph: 1-858-822-7930
Fax: 1-858-822-3107
cortes at
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